A new Planetary System will born after Sun's death! A latest Research found!


There are one definite thing which is death. Our sun will definitely die but we do not know when it will happen.

Researchers from the University of Manchester revealed that once the sun exhausts all of its hydrogen fuel in around 5 billion years it will turn into a giant glowing ring of dust and gas.

After dying, the sun will become a Nebula. The nebula will be visible for around 10,000 to 20,000 years. and after that this Nebula will provide the raw materials to create a whole new set of new stars and planets.

Here is one picture of Nebula

I know this sounds like recycling. But true!

Previously, it was believed that the sun was too small to produce a nebula but this new study revealed that the sun has enough capacity and heat to create a planetary Nebula.

Scientists said, the stars with mass less than 1.1 times the mass of the sun can produce fainter nebula and the stars more than 3 times the mass of the sun can produce brighter nebula.

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