A Brief History Of The Moon


 A study published in the journal Science Advances, says when our planet was 100 million years old, a  Mars-sized object called Theia collided with Earth and debris from the collision combined and formed our Moon. Because of gravity, the presence of the Moon stabilized the Earth’s spin axis. Earth was spinning much faster than now with one day lasting only 5 hours.


At that time, The Moon was three times closer to Earth.It was about 80,000 miles away but now it is  238,000 miles away from Earth. As the Moon’s gravity pulls on our oceans, the water is slightly heated, and that energy gets disappeared. That is why the Moon moving away from Earth at a rate of 1.5 inches per year. At the same time, the Moon also became locked meaning we can see only one side of the Moon.


Scientists once thought, Moon never had a long-lasting global magnetic field because it has such a small core. A magnetic field causes electrical charges to move along invisible lines. Earth’s magnetic field can create beautifully colored aurora in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Scientists figured out that the Moon once had a magnetosphere.

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