BIGGEST GOLD NUGGET FOUND IN 1896 and some facts about GOLD

 You all know that Gold is one of the precious metals. But do you know why its value is so high ? Why is it given so importance ?
Today, I will provide you some valuable information on Gold that you have heard ever before.
No. 1

Eatable Gold

It is wired to heard that Gold can be eaten but it is true Gold is such a metal that humans can eat also. It is completely harmless to human body. Our Stomach can digest it easily.
Different famous restaurants in different countries serve gold to their customers in foods.
Some gold foods are Gold fried chicken, gold ice crime, sweet golden dessert as well.
But it is obvious that you should not eat gold bar .
I don't know you would believe or not but the people who has eaten it said it increases the immunity power, even it destroys toxin in our body. 
You would find many restaurants in New York to whom has many gold dishes.

Very few people know that gold can be eaten this way.
Because, this kind of food is so much expensive that no one can bear it, isn't it obvious ?

No. 2

Gold Karat

We all know from very childhood that Gold is measured in Karat unit - 24 Karat, 22 Karat, 20 Karat even 18 Karat.
But do you know what the real meaning of karat
Arabians in middle East used Karat to measure any thing. In those days, their were no  measuring weights. They used Karat in place of it.
Then it was measured like 200 milligram = 1 Karat
Actually, they used some kind of Karat seeds which weighted 200 milligram.
In that time, it was the only measuring thing to measure small things.

they measured Diamonds, Golds and Pearls with it.
The 24 karat gold we see has 24 particles and that's why it is so much expensive.
The more particles dwindles, the more different metals get added and loss its value.

No. 3

Strongest metal - Gold 

If to destroy all the metals in the world, use of chemical or extreme heat is possible.
But gold is such a metal that its particles could not be destroyed.
Only you can is to change its states  but you could not destroy it.
Other metals can be destroyed by toxic chemical but gold is the only one that can not be destroyed. And that's why it is called Nobel Metal.
It never gets old, it never gets stained.
Truly it is a metal.

No. 4

Gold inside of a human body

You must know that their is Iron in human body but do you know Gold is also we have ?

But it is in such a small amount that you can not see this even with microscope and it can be found only in one place and that is in HAIR.
According to scientists, from 40000 to 60000 particles are their in hair.
It means we have crores nano particles and it is not possible to see with microscope.
So from today, if any woman thinks they have no jewellery, she should see her hair on mirror then she would find that it is not less precious that any jewellery.

No. 5

Gold is everywhere

Naturally, Gold is very precious metal. But do you know Gold is available in 7 countries ?
It means it is .everywhere but in less amount.
The reason to be precious is it is available in less amount than other metals in the world.
According to researchers, it is mainly available in Africa and Asia.
South Africa has the biggest gold deposit. India has also the biggest gold mining.
You can find gold everywhere if you have the correct machines.

No. 6

Melting point

All the metals in Earth have a melting point. It also happens with Gold. But melting point of Gold is very unique.
If I say about other metals, they melt between 1000 to 1500 degree Fahrenheit.
On the other hand, Gold needs 2063 degree Fahrenheit and its boiling point is 4852 degree Fahrenheit.
So that's why Gold is considered as one of the hardest metals.

No. 7

Gold Bank

All the banks we have in the world just to deposit and withdrawal. If you notice the cash counter, you would see bunch of money.
But there is a such bank where Golds are deposited more than enough.
Bank of London is the kind of bank where so much gold that anyone would get greedy.
It is the 3rd largest gold bank.
According to a study of 2019, it has 4 lakh gold bars and its total value more than $ 200000 dollar.
It is kept in high security and its security is so tight that no one can enter even a fly without authorization.

No. 8

Gold vending Machine

Normally. we go jewellery stores to buy gold but it is the first gold vending machine installed in Dubai from which you can buy gold bars. It is in Emirates' Palace Hotel.
Anyone can buy gold from 1 gm to 10 gm solid gold from the machine. But it is not operated by coin, you have to use cash or credit card.

No. 9

Welcome Stranger

There are many types of people who find gold with metal detector. You may heard the name of  Gold Nugget. It is pure solid gold which can be found in much quantity under soil.
Many people got the chance to be lucky who found such gold nugget.
In 1896, John Deason and Richard Oates are the two men who were digging.
At that time, they then felt something hit. It was the biggest gold nugget in human history and it is named ' WELCOME STRANGER

Its weight is 73 kgs. Only if it is priced as weight, its value would be IND Rs. 288418362.
From the very 1896 to present, no gold has been found.
It is truly a expensive discovery which got place in history.  

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