Dear viewers, I am going to show you 20 facts in Human Body that will make you stunned.
So let's start...

No. 1

We can cover our Earth  200+  times with the total number of veins in our body

No. 2

We run away from Bacteria and Virus but do you know  700+  types of Bacteria present in our very mouth ? I think you are thinking that 'Is it your mouth or Bacteria's Home ?'

No.  3

Do you know our left side Lung is comparatively smaller than right side Lung ?
Because our Heart is on left side and the left side lung shares its place with Heart.

No. 4

Do you know the Cornea is the only place in our body where blood does not flow ?
Cornea consumes Oxygen directly from air.

No. 5

Do you know 70% of our Brain is filled with Water and  20% with Oxygen ?

No. 6

We know the Dog's respective power of smell but do you know what is the smell power of a man ?
A man can take 1 trillion various smell.

No. 7

We all notice that when we get fear, we have Horripilation. Because when we get fear, our body release some kind of chemical and it happens when our brain senses that something happened suddenly.

No. 8

Do you know when we inhale just for one time, 25 trillion molecules get inside through 
Nose ?

No. 9   

If you see the skull of a man, you would notice the teeth as well. But do you know the teeth are not considered as bone ?

No. 10

Do you know that period of our eyebrows only 4 months ? Everyday 3-4 hairs grow and old ones get dropouts.

No. 11

We may know our tongue has different test buds but some of them are very attentive means it can identify test immediately  and Sour is one of them.

No. 12 

Our teeth is the most strong thing in our whole body and it contains 94% minerals.
Do you know why the Crocodile is called dangerous ? Because Man can have one chance to change the teeth but crocodiles change their teeth for 45 yrs.

No. 13

Do you know our body contains 65% Oxygen but also it contains Lithium, Uranium and even Gold. But do not happy by hearing that we have gold in our body because it does not so much that we can sell them and be rich.

No. 14

Humans are the only animal, who remain awaken as its will but the animals get sleep
when they feel sleepy. So sleep when you feel sleep. Because sleep is necessary for our life.

No. 15  

We all know that most of the people have their heart on left side but some of them have their heart on right side and it is very rear.

No. 16

Do you know we blink 15-20 times in one minute but if you don't blink for 1 min, it has to be an entertaining you are watching. Our eyes are the most fast nerve.

No. 17

Do you know when blood flows what is the speed of it ? 
It flows 4 mile per hour or 6.5 km per hour. Now you know the speed of blood flows within our body ?

No. 18 

Do you know why our eyes seem to be red when flash light of mobile hits on our eyes although the light is not red ?
Because when the light hits Retina, the Corpuscles get shiny and the corpuscle's light spreads on very whole eyes and that's why it looks red.

No. 19

Do you know our nails on hands get big faster than foot nails ?
Foot nails take 15 months to grow 1 inch whereas hand nails take 7 months for 1 inch.

No. 20

Do you know our heart has its own electronic system and that's why even if it is taken out from body, it still pumps. But the answer that how the electronic system works only can be obtained from GOD because scientists do not have the correct explanation.

That's all guys for today the 20 facts about Human bodies.

Which  fact astonished you most ? Must comment. 

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