Do you know what the toughest Tongue Twister is in the world ?
Do you know how many number of Hairs do we have ?
Do you know what is it called when someone is not being able to speak that is going on their mind ?  etc etc etc...

I am certain of that you don't know these before and I am sure that after reading this you must say O MY GOD ! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ?

So let's start...

No. 1

Do you know how the Chewing Gum was first made ?
In 1760, Antonio Anaram took some kind of Glue from a tree to Europe to prepare Rubber but he failed. So being got angry, he added sugur with it. He tested it and it was sweet. So he went to market to sell it and it became known as Chewing Gum.

No. 2

People use Body Spry or Perfume to smell themselves better and it attracts also. But do you know that it was invented to spread very Stink so that Mosquito and other insects can not come to us ?

No. 3

In 2010, famous company Volvo designed Volvo X16 seater car. There were automatic breaking system (their own manufactured system) set by them . The system had a sensor that if any accident was going to happen, it would automatic stop. Media was called in for presentation. But when it was test time it hit a truck instead of breaking.

For sake of shame, Volvo company created a new technology in 2015 and that was automatic Parking System. But it was even more embarrassing because the car did not stop yet but blow away a reporter.
Now it is 100% sure that no reporter would come to see their inventions.

No. 4 

There are some words in this world that is very difficult to pronounciat at ones and that is 
' The Sixth Sick Sheik's Sixth Sheep's Sick'. It got place also in Guinness World Book of Record.

No. 5

From an observation it is proved that if you love someone, your typing speed would increase 2 times when you text him/her. 
    Does it happen with you ? Comment me...

No. 6  

There are some feelings we can not share. This kind of feelings is called 
' ALEXITHYMIA ' . So that is why such, having this kind of feeling, Humans can not speak even he/she is exited.

No. 7

It is very astonishing thing that the living Lions is lesser in number than the number in Statue of Lions. YES viewers, it is true. Our world prefer preparing statue of lions rather than  saving living lions.

No. 8

There is a Jail in Brazil where the prisoners are made cycling rather than working.
The cycles have some kind of mechanism by which it can produce electricity and that electricity is being sent to near villages.

No. 9

We all have family members like Uncles, Aunts, Elder brother, Elder Sister etc. 
From an observation it is known that someone can have maximum 150 stubborn   relationship. You may think I have 1000+ friends, then? 
It is not like that. The relationship must be stubborn.

No. 10  

You may learn that The Stars and Hairs of our head cannot be finished in counting.
But now I will give you such information that it would be wrong. 
If you count your Hairs of head, it is approx. 150000.

No. 11 

Nowadays, we have Fridge to get cold water. But do you know Earthen pot or Pitchers were also used to cool water ?
Yes, it is. It is very safe and it cool even modern Fridge can not do. Pitcher's water can heal acidity.

No. 12   

I have a question that how many Remotes do you have ? We dependent on it. But do you know remotes will be no longer in future ?
Because, in future, our  voice command will be enough to access electronic devices.

No. 13 

Viewers, Pablo Escover was a reputed drug dealer. He had so much money that when his daughter was getting cold and bonfire went out, he fired money to warm his daughter. He fired approx. $ 2 million that night. Even when he got so much money that he used rubber binder to bind the money and the cost to purchase those rubbers was approx. Rs.150000.


No. 14    

Viewers, are you afraid of going to Dentist ? Then you have a kind of disease  that is called 
Odontophobia. It is such a phobia that the affected patient does not willing to go to Dentist.
And if you get this understand, one more information for you that Clinomania is such a disease as a result people are willing to sleep at the edge of bed. Another one disease is Hypersomnia. This kind of people prefers to sleep whole day.

Viewers, Out of these disease, which do you have ? Must comment...

That's all guys for today. 

Tomorrow, another day another entertaining facts I will share.

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