Scientists finally found World's cleanest Air on Earth!


Are you finding a breath of fresh air? This is hardly possible to find out.

Wait! Wait!

Not impossible!

A group of climate scientists from Colorado State University finally found  a place which is free from all polluted particles which are caused by human activities. And the place is in a region of the Southern Ocean.

Scientists wanted to see why polluted particles created by human activity and industries are not reaching this place. So they sailed from Tasmania to the Southern Ocean and measured the particles in the atmosphere at different points.

Researchers found that the boundary layer air, which feeds the lower clouds over the Southern Ocean, was free from aerosol particles produced by human activity -- including burning fossil fuels and wastewater disposal -- or transported from other countries around the world.

Thus, Air just above the Southern Ocean is least affected by people and industries.They say it is the world's cleanest air, free from particles caused by human activity, located over the Southern Ocean, which surrounds Antarctica.

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