Health is the most precious thing in human life. Money is nothing but a piece of paper. Most of the time we stake our health to earn a pile of money more than our actual need through out our whole life. At the end of you life, while you have earned money more than sufficient, you must notice, you have no much energy to live happily with your lifetime-earning because you will face many kinds of health related diseases that prevent you to live peacefully. Sometime we notice, some people spent their 50 years of life by involving in their work and not maintaining a healthy life. When they realize that they have health issues such as blood pressure, cholesterol, heart problem, that time will be too late to recover. But if you maintain a healthy life from very early age, you could get a more life time than those who enjoying their sleep for long and having non-healthy food in daily basis now. There are many people are in the world who maintain their healthy life by doing daily exercise and having healthy foods, living long life without any health related issues. Healthy life means to follow a regular revise of a proper diet with proper planning. You have to do exercise in daily basis in one time in each day only for 30 min ( minimum). This is your responsibility to identify which time is suitable for you to do your regular work out. In the morning, you have to have heavy food and remember that this food has to be more heavier than your other time meal in a day. At noon, you should take some extra heavy food but not as much as your morning one. it should be less heavier than your morning meal. And at night, this time you have to take extreme light food because your digestion process works slowly during night time. You should not touch any kinds of fast foods like burger because that foods have vulnerable effect on human health and this reduce your digestion ability and they create more health issues by increasing cholesterol. And at the end  I would say do not smoke and touch any alcohol. 

Health is wealth. Health is like a car, your good health depend on how you drive it on the road of life journey. 

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