Climate Change exacerbating Australia's Extreme Weather: SCIENTISTS

SYDNEYClimate Changing is already making Australia suffering from droughts, extreme bushfires and cyclones. According to the government's top science body, CSIRO, and its Bureau of Meteorology released a report outlining a sobering future for the vast fossil-fuel  reliant country, Australia to be prepared for worse to come.

The blazes turned an area into ashes as much size of United Kingdom. It left 33 people dead, killed or displaced nearly 3 billion animals and costed at an estimate of US$ 7 billion.
CSIRO Climate Science Centre's director Jaci Brown told public broadcaster ABC that Ten or twenty years from now, they would say 2019 wasn't as hot as it would be. In fact, this century will seem cool.

Australia got an increment in average by 1.44 Degree Celsius (2.59 degree Fahrenheit) since 1910 whereas Paris has 1.5 Degree Celsius.

Oceans have gotten warmed by one degree Celsius because of acidification and more heat weaves, the report continued. It caused Australia's Great Barrier Reef to be suffered 
three mass coral bleaching events and has been losing its corals for 1995.

The report predicted that it would be cause of rise of sea levels with global trends.

Prime Minister Scott Morison has repeatedly played down a link between climate and 
bush-fires and committed to keeping Australia as one of the leading fossil fuel exporters.

But Australians are very concerned about the climate change with 90 % believe as a critical and worrying threat, a survey of Sydney's Lowy Institute.

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