We use different kind of technologies and things to make our daily life easy. The method of using these things is unknown to many of us but still we use them just to continue our daily life.
If YOU get know the secrets, you would also use it easily and it will decrease your time to use it.
So lets know the secrets of the daily things we use.  

No. 6

You may surprise hearing that their has a big gap ( shown as below) in this modern world in market-toilet.
Think once,
You would want to escape for having such gap as soon as possible. Besides, you would flush properly so as to not know whether you done it or not.
That's why their is a gap. 
And also to stop using mobile easily.
But it would be really humiliation if their would be a gap in Indian market i.e. for us.

No. 5

you must have noticed that some market places have transparent glass Ceiling.
Also you can see it where stairs are having barrier with this kind of glass.

Ever your mind raised the question why the barrier is for and why IT is glass ?
Actually, It is for safety for market visitors. Because, if market gets fire, fire could not break those glass and in this way rescue team could rescue the upper floor people.

No. 4

If you notice on the car's Windshield, you would see some black dots on it.
Have you ever thought why these black dots are on car ?

Think, why you put Sunglasses on ?
Isn't it to safe guard your eyes from Sun-Rays ?
That's the same reason the Black dots are used for i.e as car's Sunglasses.
These dots reduce the intensity of sun-rays - UV rays can not enter, so that you can drive easily.

No. 3

You must have noticed these dots (shown as below)  on any kind of food packets or chip packets.


In childhood days, I thought they are for us to be collected but the matter is not like we think.
These dots are observed while packaging. If all the dots are clear to package makers, they understand that the coloring is done properly on packages.
If the one of the dots' color gets dull, the package gets rejected.

No. 2

Perhaps you think mobiles have Silent mode but why this mode has also in Microwave ?

Dear readers, you who love to eat at night by heating the food, microwave company installed this feature in all microwave.
Most of the microwave get into silent mode if you push '1' and in this way microwave without making any noise heats the food.

No. 1

When you get on Lift, you eyes are supposed to catch the hole on it.

The question is why the hole is for ?
Sometimes lift gets stopped for load shedding and doors are not going to open.
If this happens, the door is opened by putting a key into the hole so that the stuck passengers could be released.
So, if you get anytime involved this kind of situation, wait for electricity until someone puts a key into the hole and rescue you.

That's it for today guys. I hope you enjoyed my facts and keep going it.

Thank You.   



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