We learn something everyday. Human brain is created in such a way that it can learn new things from day to day life. I will give you some information on such simple things that we see everyday but we don't know why it happens.

so let's get start...

No. 1

Dust is everywhere. How much we try, we can't get rid of this. Where it is Air, Dust is their- it is natural. So cleaning habit is very good.

But did you ever notice while cleaning, Dust seems white on black floor and black on white floor ?
As you can see ( shown above), Dust is Brown color but its particles are so small that human eye cannot recognize easily, so we can not focus on Dust.
Dust focuses on background.
That's why, when the background is white it seems black and vise versa.

No. 2

In the Earth, there are some places where temperature gets even cooler than our imagination.
There are some cities where human dies from Cold
No matter how strong human is, everybody feels cold.
But did you ever be curious why our Eyes does not feel cold ?

Eye does not feel cold even if our body gets freeze in cold.
Because, eye does not have receptor separately to measure temperature, also blood circulation happens fast in white part of the eye.
So that's why, no matter how much the cold is, it does not feel cold. 

No. 3

Dear viewers, 
You must have seen this, when people stay under Sun-rays, their body's color slowly turns into black.
Even in the market, creams are available that claim to protect from Sun-Rays.
But do you know why Skin gets black  while under Sun-Rays ?
Sun has Ultra Violet ray. When it hits skin, it damages melanin.
Melanin is such an ingredient that identifies the color of Skin.
And even your Hair may get changed.
If you stay under Sun-Rays for long time, your hair's black color would get fade .
It happens for Melanin also.    

No. 4

Birds are one of the beautiful and attractive animals in the Earth.
We usually see birds anytime anywhere.
Most of the time, birds fly in a group. If you notice, you would see Birds fly in ' V ' shaped just like this... 

Did you ever think why they do like this ?
Specially, the one who does in the very front of ' V ' shape is Leader.
With the flutter of the birds, the flow of the air goes towards the birds behind so, the birds behind have less effort and they can fly continuously and easily.

No. 5

Sleeping is very essential as well as effective for human. A human needs sleeping for 7-8 hours at an average.
Did you notice, Children sleep more than human ?

Firstly, humans sleep for transferring his memory from sort term to long term.   
Second, Muscle tissues may get developed for sleeping - body can heal itself. 
As for Babies, they can sleep for 14-18 hrs. Because, when a baby gets birth, everything is new for him/her and that's why they need better time to transfer their memory from sort term to long term whereas adults have conception on circumstances on before hand so comparatively they transfer less memory.
Notice it, as a child grows, he/she gets idea on what is going on and his/her sleeping amount comes down.

That's all for today guys
I hope you enjoyed this.
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