How to tackle examination pressure?

 How to tackle examination pressure?

I know stress is not very much suitable before the exam. I had followed some habits that I acquired for a long time before the exam. I am going to share those habits with you. I hope this will help you very much.


You can choose one time for study that is suitable for you. I mean it has to be day or night but not both. Some students choose night time for study and they study for whole night then they sleep all day or vice versa. Some students study for 16 to 18 hours a day that is so harmful for them before the exam. They might forget the lesson what they studied in past. So choose one time according to your focusing ability.



You should not study hard. You need to relax that time. If you study hard before the exam you might forget what you memorized before. So try to relax yourself just before the exam for tackling your exam pressure.



Group study is very important because you can easily remember your lessons whatever discuss in a group study. even you will get a chance to discuss anything with your friend in a friendly manner that will help you to tackle exam pressure.



If you studied hard but just before the exam you think that you are going to forget everything what you have studied, that time you have to be calm and just close your all books and go to a travel with your relatives or your friends. You can go to any park and sit there for a while silently. You can do it for few days in the afternoon before the exam. You must get benefit from it.



You have to be drunk more water for relaxing your body. By consuming more water, excess temperature will emit from your body and it makes your very comfortable and relax. 



You can do meditation in two times in a day. Meditation makes you relax and you can easily come out from your stress. Just focus on your breath just for 2 to 5 minutes. 



Some students study for whole day but sleep only for 3 to four hours. This is not well because lack of sleep causes anxiety, stress, worry etc., I recommend you should take sleep at least 7hours. This is enough for tackling your exam stress.



Eat healthy before the exam. you should avoid rich food, fast food that foods make your body tired so you have change your focus to fruits and vegetables and light foods before the exam. Avoid smoking.



Bath is most important to reduce stress from your mind and helps you to feel relax. You can take bath for two times in a day.



Do not forget to enjoy yourself. You should not study for whole day. You should come out from your home and visit with your friend and enjoy with them at one time in a day before the exam. You share your problem or discuss about the exam preparation. Friends are most important part in everyone's life. 
I hope these will  help you,

Thank you.

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